Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I love working with colored pencil.  I have CONTROL!!!  I can push it into deep colors, lots of depth...or I can barely tint the paper, like taking a sepia photograph.  I have been watching some of the new, contemporary artists work lately, and they have done wonderful things with colored pencil.  They make it look so easy, and can really get the most out of the medium.  In my experience with colored pencil, the most important thing about controlling it is using high quality paper or base, and getting a really good set of pencils.  Prismacolor is one of the best I have tried, with lots of pigment and fairly inexpensive.  I would love to try some of the professional pencils someday, as well.  I drew this yellow warbler when I spent some time in Southern California.  We had a lime tree out back that beckoned to the warblers and Western Tanagers.  It also seemed to attract a few snakes, much to my surprise (and my neighbor's, when I spent a few terrified minutes screaming for help.)  I did a bit of experimenting with the layering of colors, trying to get a deep enough contrast to pull out the yellows.  I played with a red undertone in the branches, as well.

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