Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Like most artists, I like to take a sketchbook with me everywhere.  My hubby thoughtfully bought me a Nintendo art program that has been wonderful!!!  My little handheld Nintendo has a camera attached to it, and with the program, I just snap a photo, and it becomes my reference.  It has a graph that can be placed over the photo to help with drawing, and the program has a pencil and paint brushes.  You can even add 'water' to the paint to make washes and thicken the paint for heavy brushstrokes.  This is my painting of a raccoon that I photographed in my backyard.  While I cannot make a 'hard copy' of my painting, I get lots of practice in when I am traveling, and I can try out new color choices and work on my drawing skills.  I am constantly amazed by the technology being produced daily in this world!!!

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