Monday, February 21, 2011

I bought a new sketchbook the other day.  When I opened it up to draw on that very first page, I just couldn't do it!  That blank page was so daunting...I just knew that if the drawing wasn't perfect, the whole book would be ruined.
It DIDN'T occur to me at that time that I could just tear the page out if I disliked it.  I never thought that it didn't have to be perfect.  I just knew I couldn't put a pen down on that first page.
Eventually, I flipped to the middle of the sketchbook and proceeded to draw.  It occurred to me, however, that I must be a 'half-empty' kind of gal to expect that first drawing to go wrong.  That is  NOT what I want to be!  I still can't bring myself to make a mark on that first page, but at least I know what I need to work on - my attitude!  I think that first sketch will be a 'half-full' glass...

"Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed."     --Anon.

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