Tuesday, June 26, 2012


You know you are becoming a 'real' artist when you feel the need to pack more art supplies than clothes for a short vacation!  Hubby and I took off for a few days at the casino (we're not much on gambling, but the paddleboat rides down the Mississippi River are great, and the hotel was $29 a night in the hopes that we would gamble away our life savings!!!) anyway...I spent more time making sure that I had the right art pens, and a few watercolors than deciding what to bring to wear.  This is a field sparrow.  He perched outside my window several times in the hopes of catching a bug.  I relocated him to a bit of field grass to put him into perspective, and slightly changed his leg positions for some interest and movement.  I think his beak is slightly too big, but none of us are perfect...  Maybe he inherited his nose from his mum!

1 comment:


Love This Post. Great work on your art!