Thursday, May 26, 2011


The kettle must boiling be

Before you make the tea..

After a night of tornadoes and lightning bolts,  I am finding the need for peace, serenity and tea.  I have been out to pick up fallen branches, harvest some rosemary, plant herbs for the season, and enjoy the fresh, cleansed air after the storms.   Last night was a bit frightening.  We lost electricity for several hours, and I had just heard a song on the radio that had me thinking awfully hard...something about living like you are dying.  What a strange thought. "Live like you are dying."  What would I do if I had a set amount of time left?  What would I be remembered for?  Have I spent enough time with those I love?  Have I created those masterpieces?

It is an interesting discussion for tea time with my mother.  How much time has been wasted watching TV that didn't interest me, making excuses to NOT paint or create? What do I want to do yet that I haven't done?

A 'bucket list', or list of things to accomplish before you die, has been on my mind of late.  I had a chance to go skydiving with my daughter several years ago.  I do NOT regret giving that honor to her daddy.  I am not too excited about physical risk.  However, I have always wanted to be able to swim well, and to do some diving in the tropics.  The sea fascinates me, a landlocked lake lover.

I have some thinking to do, and tea and tornados are a good start to the rest of my life.

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