Friday, August 12, 2011


Beaded Cigarette by Seedybeader

Check this out!  This is NOT A REAL CIGARETTE!  My best buddy, the Seedybeader, made this with bead weaving techniques that boggle my mind, and would probably strain my eyes.  She does the most amazing beading, specializing in necklaces and medicine bags.  Look for more pictures of her work, because she is just amazing!  (I bought my daughter this 'cigarette' to hold while she tries to quit smoking.  She can't ever figure out what to do with her hands when she tries to quit.  Maybe this will help.)


Anonymous said...

This is so cool! I am amazed that this is beads!

Anonymous said...

I have linked this to my facebook if that is o.k. You have interesting friends!

Rose Altom said...

Keep watching. I will feature more of her work soon! She is really talented.

Beader said...

Lovely, is there a pattern for this from you friend

Rose Altom said...

Seedybeader says that she found this pattern online. I wonder if you googled 'bead cigarette pattern' you could find it??